Losing and Reclaiming Your Chiropractic License in California
Posted in Licensing Defense
It can take years of education to obtain a chiropractic license – and then even more time to establish a chiropractic practice. Unfortunately, it is possible to lose your license due to allegations of unprofessional or unethical conduct. You may also lose your chiropractic license for a criminal conviction. While losing your chiropractic license can… read more
What to Do If You Lose Your California Nursing License
Posted in Licensing Defense
Becoming a nurse can require years of education and training. It is also a challenging job, both physically and emotionally. Learning that you may lose your license due to a disciplinary issue can be devastating for any registered nurse. The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is responsible for both the licensure and discipline of… read more
What to Do If You Lose Your California Dentistry License
Posted in Licensing Defense
Becoming a dentist takes a lot of time, work, and money. Once you have graduated from dental school and completed a residency, you will still need to pass examinations to secure a dental license. Given this, it can be devastating to learn that you may lose your license through disciplinary action. The Dental Board of… read more
Mandatory Reporting for Healthcare Practitioners
Posted in Licensing Defense,News
One of the most challenging aspects of abuse is that it can be difficult to spot. This is particularly true when it comes to the abuse of children and older people, who are often being hurt by their caretakers. This makes it all the more important that professionals who are in a position to spot… read more
The Danger of Surrendering Your Professional License
Posted in Licensing Defense
In California, various licensing boards – such as the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) and the Medical Board of California (MBC) – regulate their respective healthcare professions. In addition to setting licensure standards, these boards are responsible for investigating allegations of professional misconduct and other violations. Healthcare licensing boards can take disciplinary action, ranging… read more
Posted in Licensing Defense
On any given day, we all experience a range of emotions. Healthcare professionals are no different. They may be frustrated, happy, sad, or surprised, just like anyone else. However, when a particular emotion – anger – interferes with their work, it may result in a referral to their licensing Board for unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct… read more
Everything You Need to Know about California’s Nursing Practice Act
Posted in Licensing Defense
When you decided to become a nurse, you probably focused on the practical skills and academic knowledge that you would need to pass the NCLEX. You may not have realized that you would also have to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations surrounding the practice of nursing. California’s Nursing Practice Act governs all aspects… read more
Received an Accusation From California Board of Registered Nursing
Posted in Licensing Defense,News
To initiate disciplinary proceedings, the Board of Registered Nursing in the state of California must first notify the individual nurse. This is accomplished by filing an Accusation. An Accusation is a formal pleading document which outlines all of the reasons the California Board of Registered Nursing is seeking discipline against the nurse, as well as… read more
Licensing Board Investigation – How Will It Impact My Career?
Posted in Licensing Defense,News
Page Contents: Investigation by the DCA or Board Enforcement Unit If you receive a phone call or letter from a Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) or Board investigator (Medical Board of California, California Board of Psychology, the California Board of Behavioral Sciences or the California Board of Registered Nursing) your professional license, career, and livelihood… read more
Received an Accusation With Allegations of Substance Abuse Violations
Posted in Licensing Defense
Being a healthcare professional is a rewarding career but also comes with its demands and stressors. The profession can require working long hours to help others in physical and emotional need, thereby sacrificing the healer’s personal and family life. This has never been more true than during the Coronavirus Pandemic. The pressure on the healthcare… read more