RN Convicted of DUI – Accusation Withdrawn

Our office represented an experienced Registered Nurse who sustained a singular misdemeanor conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol – Vehicle Code Section 23152 – with a high blood alcohol content. This lapse in proper judgment followed a traumatic period in the RN’s life, and they took immediate corrective action afterwards. They documented their sobriety, began therapy, and sought assistance and guidance from their management team. The month their license was set to be renewed, the Board filed an Accusation requesting to revoke their RN license for sustaining an alcohol related conviction – a violation of Business and Professions Code Section 2761. 

After significant negotiations, exchange of meaningful mitigation, and work with a Senior Deputy Attorney General, the Board agreed to withdraw the Accusation. The RN’s license’s profile was expunged of all documents relating to their conviction, and they were able to continue in their career without oversight, monitoring, or stigma from public discipline. 

If you have recently been arrested for, and/or suffered a criminal conviction, contact our office. 

** This information is a sample of past results.  Information provided on this website does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Every case is different, and each case must be evaluated on its own merits. The circumstances of your case may differ from the results provided above. Legal Advertisement **

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