Our office represented a student in nursing school who had sustained a misdemeanor Hit and Run, which was subsequently. Our client completed the Misdemeanor DEJ Program and paid the fines in a timely manner. The guilty plea was then withdrawn, and the matter was dismissed in furtherance of justice, leaving our client’s criminal court record clear.
At the time, applicants were required to disclose any convictions to the Board of Registered Nurses (BRN) when applying for a license. The obligation to disclose is no longer a requirement for applicants however the BRN does receive criminal conviction histories of applicants from the results of fingerprinting. It should be noted that although our client’s record was clear as it pertains to the criminal court system, any guilty plea in a criminal matter is viewed as a criminal conviction by the BRN. The BRN outlines that the Board may deny a license to an applicant who has sustained a criminal conviction.
Our office drafted a comprehensive mitigation packet, which included a personal statement, character support letters, volunteer awards, and job evaluations. The compilation of these documents placed the misdemeanor within the context of our client’s broader life to illustrate that it was out of character and unlikely to happen again. The mitigation packet was submitted with our client’s application.
After review of our client’s application and the accompanying mitigation packet, the Board issued a full and unencumbered license to our client.
If you are applying for a professional license, including a nursing license, and have suffered a criminal conviction, contact our office.
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